domingo, 4 de julio de 2021


It wasn´t many times, but a couple of times this year I was vocal at different elections. I was vocal in the biggest election, the one with constituent, mayor, governor, and councilor. The last one with one hundred candidates.

It was my first time being a vocal, and the first time doing a real payment job. That time was awful, the table had three hundred voters, the half of them really voted, the other half simply didn't show up.

The work of take the votes of the peoples was nice, I was the secretary and just folded the votes and helped sometimes the president of the table. The rough came in the late, when the table get closed, that was the second day, the first one it was pretty fast, at the seven o'clock I was already in my house, but the second day wasn’t that nice. That day we had to count the votes, only the half of the people vote, thankfully, because other way I'd have come to my house in the morning of the next day.

So many votes, none of us knew how to be a vocal, we were lost. But with teamwork we made count of all the votes before the midnight, it was a team achievement, everyone did their part, that's how we made it.

After the 1 in the morning, I was in my house, knowing that I made it, I help all the people that came to vote, I give the most of me to serve appropriately to the voters, and I think I did pretty well. The second time was a lot easier, the previous experience helped me very much. I'm not sure if my work helped to make the world a better place, but I know that at least I could help to all that people to fulfill their civic duty.

sábado, 19 de junio de 2021

Thing I'd Like To Learn

I'd like to learn many things after I graduate, like specialize in another languages. The Japanese for example, I really like their culture and learn their language it really interests me. A part-time course would be lovely to achieve it, to make me easier to travel to the country and make it more enjoyable.

Other thing I'd like to learn and has nothing to do with the communication is the specialization in pc hardware, I seriously enjoy the subject and I’d love to take a course to increase my knowledge about the theme. I'd like to repair my own computer without pay to other person, that's one of the reasons too.

Of course, I’d like to get better my English to the maximum level, unlike the Japanese or informatic knowledge, things that I consider a hobby, I know that the English, besides to let me consume a lot of content that is not available in Spanish, it would help me in professional ways. I don't know too much about the courses in the country, but I'd like to learn enough to be confident with my English to talk normally with English speakers.

martes, 1 de junio de 2021


 When I was 6 years old the movie Iron Man was released, I watched with my dad, and I really liked. Before that I’ve already seen other movies like Spider-Man or X-Men, it has to pass a long time before I realized that all the characters that I liked was created by the same person. When I started to learn about all the works that the mythical Stan Lee did, I began to admire him very much. Thanks to him I started to read comics and learn about superheroes.

He basically created Marvel as we know it up to this day. Hulk, Black-Panther, Daredevil, The Fantastic Four, and many other characters that he created and the amazing stories that accompanied them. The most of these characters have appeared in movies, and him appeared in much of them too. Him work as writer and editor contributed to the growing and the popularization of the american comic and the cinematic industry of the superheroes to global level.

I always wanted to meet him in person, I watched the news to know if he would come to Chile or I waited the opportunity to travel to the San Diego Comic-Con, but he was many years old and then happened what I knew would happen someday. He passed away in 2018 and finally I couldn't meet him in person, but I still like his work and I’m happy to continue to support it.

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021


This picture shows me and my friends in our graduation of the school, it was taken in 2019 by the photographer hired for the event.

All the course of students was in the event, but in the photo just appear our group, meanwhile the others were dancing inside of a building, we kept outside to ask the photographer to take the photo.

The event wasn't the big deal, but the fact to be all together in a special occasion was memorable, especially with all of us so elegant. That's why I like so much this picture, and it's made me very happy to keep in touch whit the most of them.

(One thing more, the guy that they are lifting it's not me, I'm in the background some hidden. We only lifted it because it was the lightest... and because it was funny).


jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

My Little War Machine

 In my day to day, I usually use my cell phone a lot, but when it comes on what is my most treasured gadget, I would say that is my computer. I spend almost all day on it, since 2018, the year I got it.

Before I entered the university I used exclusively for gaming, now is my tool for all the works entrusted to me. To keep the things in order I decided to create two profiles independent between them, one is just for gaming and entertain me and the other is for the classes or to do homework.

The power of the machine is very useful to do everything very quick and I have been updating it with the pass of time, to increase the efficiency. This allow me to play all nights with my friends and do it in solitaire the days I have free. 

I have a strong dependence in that device, if I didn't have it, I would have to work in my old notebook, it still does the job but is too slow and sometimes have failures, that's why I have it relegated to a corner.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021


When I was a child, my mind was going around many jobs that I wanted to do in the future, I always wanted to create a story, create something like a cartoon, a video game, I would have even liked to be a writer. Then I realized that those dreams could be something difficult, so I started to search careers that be taught in Chile, then I found some like sociology, psychology, anthropology, and other humanist careers that I like, because in that time I already knew that the numbers were not my thing.

Man Thinking :)

Later I found the career of journalism, immediately I like the versality of the career, something new to report every day captures my attention immediately, so two weeks before the PSU I decided that I would learn journalism.

I never expected the pandemic, I think no one did, so the first year of university was strange, I never touched the campus, I never see my partners and I never had a "mechoneo". But it hasn't all been bad, I passed all my subjects, and not all the notes were bad.

So here I am in my second year of university with much stress and anxiety but is part of the job. Now I dream with that all my effort will be worthwhile and I can be a good journalist, travel to Europe and works for an entertainment magazine (as it was Club Nintendo), that would be awesome, I will find out in time, till that moment just need to study to finish the career. I hope the pandemic ends before than my studies.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021


My name is Juan Rivas, I am 19 years old. I am in my second year of university where I am currently studying journalism at the Universidad de Chile. I live in La Florida, at the city of Santiago in Chile. 

I am from a family of three, my both parents and I, my father works as an accountant and my mother is part of the administrative section of a local company. 

I am not having much free time now, but in sometimes in the night I like to play video games with my friends. I used to have a dog, a chihuahua specifically, but a months ago we decided to bring it to my cousin, because her pet have died, and she was very sad. The thing is that she really wanted my dog, and I did not have the time to care it, so I gave it to her.