I'd like to learn many things after I graduate, like specialize in another languages. The Japanese for example, I really like their culture and learn their language it really interests me. A part-time course would be lovely to achieve it, to make me easier to travel to the country and make it more enjoyable.
Other thing I'd like to learn and has nothing to do with the communication is the specialization in pc hardware, I seriously enjoy the subject and I’d love to take a course to increase my knowledge about the theme. I'd like to repair my own computer without pay to other person, that's one of the reasons too.
Of course, I’d like to get better my English to the maximum level, unlike the Japanese or informatic knowledge, things that I consider a hobby, I know that the English, besides to let me consume a lot of content that is not available in Spanish, it would help me in professional ways. I don't know too much about the courses in the country, but I'd like to learn enough to be confident with my English to talk normally with English speakers.