It wasn´t
many times, but a couple of times this year I was vocal at different elections.
I was vocal in the biggest election, the one with constituent, mayor, governor,
and councilor. The last one with one hundred candidates.
It was my first time being a vocal, and the first time doing a real payment job. That time was awful, the table had three hundred voters, the half of them really voted, the other half simply didn't show up.
The work of
take the votes of the peoples was nice, I was the secretary and just folded the
votes and helped sometimes the president of the table. The rough came in the
late, when the table get closed, that was the second day, the first one it was
pretty fast, at the seven o'clock I was already in my house, but the second day
wasn’t that nice. That day we had to count the votes, only the half of the
people vote, thankfully, because other way I'd have come to my house in the
morning of the next day.
So many
votes, none of us knew how to be a vocal, we were lost. But with teamwork we
made count of all the votes before the midnight, it was a team achievement,
everyone did their part, that's how we made it.
After the 1 in the morning, I was in my house, knowing that I made it, I help all the people that came to vote, I give the most of me to serve appropriately to the voters, and I think I did pretty well. The second time was a lot easier, the previous experience helped me very much. I'm not sure if my work helped to make the world a better place, but I know that at least I could help to all that people to fulfill their civic duty.